Dinosaur King
Dinosaur King

Spectre (ジャーク Jaku) is the leader of the Spectral Space Pirates (Zanjark). In the dub, he is also referred to as "Boss".

Character Design

Spectre has white hair that is divided into three parts, as well as a beard and mustache. He has green skin and pointy ears. He always wears a purple cloak that surrounds his entire body, with gold shoulder plates. His Dino Holder is attached to his shoulder plate, and unlike the other Space Pirates', it shows the Space Pirate emblem instead of just being silver.


He often is seen humming (in the dub, he is a horrible singer), and has "Brontikens" (his Apatosaurus) on his lap in chibi form. Whenever things go wrong, he is seen biting on a handkerchief.

Appearances in Other Media

In Kyoryu-King.com's 4komas, Spectre is often seen having a crush on Seth, much to Seth's chagrin.


  • Spectre's handkerchief color is pink.
  • Bronto may be a girl, as in the original, Spectre calls Bronto "Bronto-chan". (-chan is often used for girls, -kun is often used for boys)


p · e · t Main Characters
D-Team: Max Taylor · Rex Owen · Zoe Drake · Spike Taylor · Reese Drake
Alpha Gang: Dr. Z · Ursula · Zander · Ed · Rod · Laura · Seth (former) · Helga
Spectral Space Pirates: Spectre · Gabbro · Foolscap · Shear · Seth (former) · Goma