Dinosaur King
Dinosaur King
Dinosaur King

General Statistics[]


full-sized Mapusaurus

  • Name: Mapusaurus roseae
  • Name Meaning: Earth Lizard
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Length: 10-12 meters (33-40 feet)
  • Time Period: Middle/Late Cretaceous (94-90 MYA)
  • Classification: Allosauroidea --> Carcharodontosauridae --> Giganotosaurini
  • Place Found: Argentina; possibly Chile
  • Describer: Coria and Currie, 2006

Dinosaur King Statistics[]

Arcade Stats[]

Mapusaurus card

Mapusaurus arcade card (Japanese Kakushin 3rd Edition)

  • Attribute: Fire
  • Sign: Rock
  • Strength: 2000
  • Technique: 200
  • Attack:
    • Rock (Critical): 650
    • Scissors/Paper: 550
  • Types:
    • Reform Type (Japanese Gekizan series)
    • Scissors-Scissors Type (Japanese Kakushin series, Japanese Museum Expo Promo Edition)
  • Arcade Nickname: 大地の咆哮 (The Roar of the Earth)
  • Name: Gondo [Kanji: ゴンド] (Dainason)
  • Card Rarity: Gold
  • Other: Despite the Museum Expo promo version showing a Mapusaurus skeleton, it was not a true Revival Type Fossil Card.


Mapusaurus was only available in the Japanese version.

Anime Stats[]

Mapusaurus card

Mapusaurus anime card

Move Cards[]

Fire Cannon (first)
Mapusaurus generates a ball of fire in its mouth, then shoots it at its opponent! Despite being in only one episode, this Move was easy enough to use many times.
Heat Eruption (second)
Mapusaurus triggers a volcanic eruption, the volcano shooting out flaming rocks that rain down around its opponent! However, this caused an actual volcano nearby to actually erupt, endangering a nearby village and forcing Shear to recall Mapusaurus and escape herself.
Fire Bomb (second)
With fire trailing from its mouth, Mapusaurus leapt into the air and soared down spinning to bite its opponent and cause a huge fiery explosion! However, it was never used successfully, being countered midair by Chomp's Lightning Spear.

DS Stats[]

Mapusaurus HQ A

Mapusaurus DS battle intro

TCG Stats[]


Mapusaurus TCG Card 1-Gold

Mapusaurus TCG card

[Bite] When this Dinosaur wins a battle during your turn, your opponent loses 1 extra Life Point.

Ferocious Mapusaurus[]

Mapusaurus-Ferocious TCG Card 1-Silver

Ferocious Mapusaurus TCG card

  • Element: Fire
  • Icon: Paper
  • Power: 1900
  • Level: 6
  • Life: 3
  • Card Code: DKDS-002/100
  • Card Rarity: Silver Rare
  • Image From: Ep. 39 anime scene
  • Abilities:
[Combo Bite] When this Dinosaur uses a Super Move and wins the battle, your opponent loses 1 extra Life Point.

Destructive Mapusaurus[]


Destructive Mapusaurus TCG card (French)

  • Element: Fire
  • Icon: Paper
  • Power: 2000
  • Level: 6
  • Life: 3
  • Card Code: SAS-002/100
  • Card Rarity: Silver Rare
  • Image From: Ep. 39 anime scene
  • Abilities:
[Pack Bite] As long as you have a level 7 Dinosaur in play, this Dinosaur gains the ability [Bite]. (When this Dinosaur wins a battle during your turn, your opponent loses 1 extra Life Point).


Dinosaur King[]

Mapusaurus' card and Move Card were activated in Chinatown in Beast or Famine by Johnny Cook's stove fire when he cracked open his Card Capsule while cooking thinking it was an egg. He destroyed Max favorite eatery, causing Max to send Chomp to attack him, but Chomp was too hungry and got distracted by a crate of cabbages. Ace was then summoned to attack, but he did the same thing as Chomp, going after a rack of meat. When Paris was summoned, Mapusaurus used Fire Cannon, but the attack missed her and burned Chomp and Ace's food, enraging them. The three ran after him, but when they split up and Max tried to attack him, his Move Cards sprung out of his Dino Holder, letting Mapusaurus knock Chomp away. Then Paris used Metal Wing, summoning the three Pteranodon to weaken him, but when Max wanted to use Thunder Bazooka, Rod and Laura appeared, summoning Spiny and Tank to battle him. They were immediately defeated by Chomp's Thunder Bazooka. Chomp then used Lightning Strike to defeat Mapusaurus, allowing Max to claim the cards.

A wild Mapusaurus was brought into the present by the malfunctioning Backlander when Seth used the Copied Stones in Dinosaur War!. It was returned when the time circuits failed following the Black T. rex's defeat.

Mesozoic Meltdown[]

Shear summoned another Mapusaurus in Elements of Surprise to scare away a pair of tree cutters who had disturbed her sleep by cutting down the tree she was sleeping in, where they were mistaken for Lady Tessen and the Bull King from local lore whose statues the falling tree had destroyed. She later summoned it again to force Sanzo Hoshi to help her after capturing him, but it was knocked away when Chomp was summoned to battle it. It fought in its Spectral Armor form against Chomp in his DinoTector form, but when Ace was send to help, it used Heat Eruption, causing the nearby volcano to erupt, flooding the battlefield with lava. Shear recalled it as she escaped for her own safety, but summoned it in its normal form to battle the D-Team again near the base of the volcano, using Fire Bomb. However, Chomp intercepted the attack in midair with Lightning Spear, knocking Mapusaurus down. He then beat it with Gatling Spark, Max reclaiming the card. The villagers then rebuilt the Lady Tessen and Bull King statues, the new models resembling Shear (though her dress is blue) and Mapusaurus.

Character Design[]


Typical of a large carnivore, the first Mapusaurus was an aggressive dinosaur and also had somewhat destructive tendencies when he wreaked havoc in the city without considering the damage it did. Nevertheless, he was only interested in food, and seemed to have little interest in fighting in general, as he tried to flee from the D-Team's dinosaurs and only fought back when he was cornered. He also shows a somewhat considerate side as he jumped over Max without hurting him and snapped up the giant squid jerky Ursula was holding without biting her.

Not much is known about the personality of the second Mapusaurus as he was under the control of the Space Pirates when he fought the D-Team. However, he seemed more ruthless than the first Mapusaurus when he flung Sanzo Hoshi away towards a lava pit before his fight with Chomp, which would have killed him if Ace hadn't saved Sanzo. Even Shear was annoyed by this, which either shows Mapusaurus did this of its own initiative or she gave poor instructions, either also reflected when its Heat Eruption caused a real volcano to erupt where they were fighting, which wasn't what she'd intended. After the D-Team defeated Mapusaurus, Shear said it was useless, showing it either wasn't as effective as she'd hoped or she was blaming it for her own failure.


  • Dr. Taylor's arcade comments:
    • Original: ギガノトサウルスににた新しゅの肉食恐竜だ。ナイフのようなするどい歯を持っている。
    • Translation: It is a carnivorous dinosaur similar to Giganotosaurus. It has knife-like teeth.
  • DS Game Encyclopedia entry: A more recent carnivore resembling the Giganotosaurus[sic, no period] It has knife-like teeth.
  • It is the second Gold rarity Fire Dinosaur in the arcade.
  • In the arcade, it has the same base roar as Euoplocephalus and Apatosaurus, though each has a different sound mix.
  • Mapusaurus' arcade card was the 13th exclusive dinosaur in 2009, which was a promo card from the National Museum of Nature and Science's "Dinosaurs of Gondwana" Expo.
  • The first Mapusaurus has the same anime dub roar as some other large non-tyrannosaur theropods (Carcharodontosaurus and (Alpha) Acrocanthosaurus), Majungasaurus, and the large sauropods Supersaurus and Brontikens.
  • It's possible that the first Mapusaurus in the anime is meant to be Gondo from Dainason, as both dinosaurs have a ferocious appetite and eat their food in one bite.
  • In a brief shot of Mapusaurus snapping up Ursula's squid jerky, it is missing its lower teeth.
  • When Shear's Mapusaurus is defeated without armor, it returns to its regular gray, armor-less Dinosaur Card, but when Deinonychus is defeated without armor later, it returns to its purple Spectral Armor card.
    • This makes it the only dinosaur to have used non-permanent Spectral Armor to be defeated but never have its Armor be shown breaking. The second Megalosaurus never used its armor before being defeated, and the second Ankylosaurus used its armor but was never defeated.
  • Though it didn't appear in the same country during its two main appearances, it was incidentally activated in a Chinatown (in Japan) in season 1 before being summoned in the actual China in season 2.
  • Though not seen, the second Mapusaurus' Heat Eruption Move Card was also somehow reclaimed by the D-Team, because Ursula later used it for Terry.
  • Between its appearances, Mapusaurus used the most different Move Cards out of all non-main or Secret Dinosaurs, with three (Fire Cannon, Heat Eruption, and Fire Bomb). Only the D-Team and Alpha Gang's main dinosaurs and Deinonychus match or exceed this total.
  • Mapusaurus' DS model appears more akin to Giganotosaurus than its arcade and anime appearance, especially in the shape of its head, possibly suggesting this to be an early model that was later altered for other media.
  • In the manga, despite its appearance, it is not confirmed if Mapusaurus is really a Super Dinosaur like it appears to be, as Goma just calls it "Mapusaurus", as opposed to Baryonyx, which he calls "Super Baryonyx".
  • Although playable in the Japanese-only versions of the arcade game, there is an unused model of Mapusaurus in the programming of the later English version of the arcade game though is unplayable by not being attached to an ID, likely meaning it wouldn't respond to a Japanese card's barcode.
  • In the DS game, if one looks at Mapusaurus' model from some angles, the ridge of small spikes down its back disappears, due to it likely only being a flat image instead of having any rendered thickness.



p · e · t Fire Anime Dinosaurs
Season 1: Terry · Carcharodontosaurus · Acrocanthosaurus · Acrocanthosaurus/Alpha · Daspletosaurus · Saurophaganax · Mapusaurus · Tyrannosaurus/Black
Season 2: Terry · Torvosaurus · Torvosaurus/Armor · Yangchuanosaurus · Yangchuanosaurus/Armor · Terry/Armor · Mapusaurus · Mapusaurus/Armor · Carcharodontosaurus · Carcharodontosaurus/Armor · Rajasaurus · Rajasaurus/Armor · Gigas/Armor
p · e · t Fire Dinosaurs
Normal: Abelisaurus · Acrocanthosaurus · Albertosaurus · Alioramus · Carcharodontosaurus · Daspletosaurus · Eocarcharia · Giganotosaurus · Gorgosaurus · Mapusaurus · Metriacanthosaurus · Rajasaurus · Saurophaganax · Siamotyrannus · Tarbosaurus · Torvosaurus · Tyrannosaurus · Yangchuanosaurus
Altered/Armored: Acrocanthosaurus/Alpha · Alioramus/Super · Carcharodontosaurus/Armor · Daspletosaurus/Super · Eocarcharia/Armor · Eocarcharia/Super · Giganotosaurus/Alpha · Gigas · Gigas/Armor · Gorgosaurus/Alpha · Mapusaurus/Armor · Rajasaurus/Alpha · Rajasaurus/Armor · Rajasaurus/Super · Tarbosaurus/Super · Terry/Armor · Terry/Super · Torvosaurus/Armor · Torvosaurus/Super · Tyrannosaurus/Armor · Tyrannosaurus/Black · Tyrannosaurus/Super · Yangchuanosaurus/Armor
Main: Terry · Gigas

p · e · t   Gold Rare Arcade Dinosaurs
Fire: Tyrannosaurus (1st) · Mapusaurus (2nd)
Water: Spinosaurus (1st) · Ampelosaurus (2nd) · Isisaurus (3rd)
Lightning: Styracosaurus (1st) · Pentaceratops (2nd)
Earth:  Saichania (1st) · Euoplocephalus (2nd) ·
Grass: Parasaurolophus (1st) · Saurolophus (2nd) · Lambeosaurus/magnicristatus (3rd) 
Wind: Carnotaurus (1st) · Megaraptor (2nd) · Allosaurus/atrox (3rd)
Other & Exclusive: Acrocanthosaurus/Alpha · Chomp · Ace · Paris · Terry · Spiny · Tank · Saurophaganax · Tyrannosaurus/Black · Gojirasaurus · Eocarcharia
Armored: Chomp/Armor · Ace/Armor · Paris/Armor  Terry/Armor · Spiny/Armor · Tank/Armor · Eocarcharia/Armor