Dinosaur King
Dinosaur King

The Spectral Space Pirates

The Spectral Space Pirates (宇宙海賊ザンジャーク Space Pirates Zanjaku)

Spectral Space Pirate Symbol

Space Pirate symbol

are the main antagonists in the second series. The members are Spectre (Jark), Gavro (Gunenco), Foolscap (Zapper), Sheer (Mihasa) and Seth (Nopis). They kidnap the parents of the D-Team and gather dinosaur cards to aid them in their search for the Cosmos Stones. The main five dinosaurs that are used (all near the finale) are Gigas, Armatus, Maximus, Brontosaurus and Cryolophosaurus.


The Spectral Space Pirates want to obtain the 7 Cosmos Stones: Yellow, Blue, Purple, White, Green, Red, and Black. These stones will allow them, once combined, to control space and time, pretty much making them the controllers of everything.

Spectral Space Pirates' Dinosaurs

Spectral Space Pirates' Dinosaurs

All items (126)
