Dinosaur King
Dinosaur King

Zeta Point is truly a Timeship called the Backlander that had been shared by the Alpha Gang and Rex's family, however Dr. Z and Seth ejected the family from the stasis chambers they had been resting in. Later on, Seth blows the cover by flying the Backlander over to Japan after activating it and removing the disguise.

In the second series, the D-Team/Alpha Gang used it to chase after the Spectral Space Pirates. It is noted that the Backlander doesn't have any weapons, unlike the Space Pirates' ship. The Backlander can also cause earthquakes with it's sound waves it can also has a cloaking device for it to stay hidden. The Backlander can also fix things that were out of order. In the last episode of the first series Jonathan fixed everything that was destroyed or that were out of order such things like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which was knocked by Pachycephalosaurus, the Great Wall of China that was destroyed by Carcharodontosaurus, Sagrada Familia that was destroyed by Allosaurus and the D-Team's home city that was also destroyed by the Black Tyrannosaurus. In the series finale, the Backlander also repaired all the damages that the Spectral Space Pirates and the Black Pterosaur did to Earth.
