Dinosaur King
Dinosaur King

Zeta Point

Zeta Point is the Alpha Gang's base of operations and hideout. The name of Zeta Point is a pun on Alpha Gang, as both of them are from the Greek Alphabet (however, Omega is the last Greek letter in their alphabet, not Zeta). Zeta Point is an artificial island that moves around, causing earthquake-like movement.


Zeta Point is truly a timeship that had been shared by the Alpha Gang and Rex's family, however Dr. Z and Seth ejected the family from the stasis chambers they had been resting in. Later on, Seth blows the cover by flying over to Japan after activating the Timeship and removing the disguise.

In the second series, the D-Team/Alpha Gang used it to chase after the Spectral Space Pirates. It is noted that the timeship doesn't have any weapons, unlike the Space Pirates' ship.
